The design of the experiment was randomized block design arranged in
factorial patttern with two factors. The first factor is planting media,
100% subsoil, 75% subsoil + 25% trichokompost, 50% subsoil + 50%
trichokompost, and 25% subsoil + 75% trichokompos. The second
factor present of NPK Manure (16:16:16), 0,0 g/polibag, 2,5 g/polibag,
5,0 g/polibag, 7,5 g/polibag. The Parameter observed includes plant
hight (cm), number leafs (sheet), diameter of stem (mm), total of broad
leaf (cm2), fresh and dry weight of crown (g) fresh and dry weight of
root (g).
The result of reseach showed that planting media influential
significantly on plant height, number of leafs ,diameter of stem, total
of broad leaf, fresh and dryweight of crown,fresh and of root. Present
of manure in fluential significantly to total of broad leaf,
influentialunsignificantly to plant height, number of leaf, diameter of
stem,fresh and dryweight of crown, fresh and dryweight of root.
Interaction between planting media presnt of manure influential
significantly to plant height, diameter of stem, total of broad leaf.
The best taraf combination is planting M2P1 with 50% subsoil +
trichokompost increased present of manure P1 2,5g/polibag.
Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK)
pola faktorial dengan dua faktor. Faktor pertama adalah media tanam,
yaitu 100% Subsoil, 75% Subsoil + 25% Trichokompos, 50% Subsoil + 50%
Trichokompos dan 25% Subsoil + 75% Trichokompos. Faktor kedua adalah
pemberian pupuk NPK (16:16:16) yaitu : 0,0 g/polibag, 2,5 g/polibag, 5,0
g/polibag, 7,5 g/polibag. Parameter yang diamatai meliputi tinggi bibit
(cm), jumlah daun (helai), diameter batang (mm), total luas daun (cm2),
bobot basah dan kering tajuk (g), serta bobot basah dan kering tajuk
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media tanam berpengaruh nyata pada
tinggi bibit, jumlah daun, diameter batang, total luas daun, bobot basah
dan kering tajuk, serta bobot basah dan kering akar. Pemberian pupuk
berpengaruh nyata pada total luas daun, berpengaruh tidak nyata pada
tinggi bibit, jumlah daun, diameter batang, bobot basah kering tajuk,
bobot basah kering akar. Interaksi antara media tanam dan pemberian
pupuk berpengaruh nyata pada tinggi bibit, diameter batang, total luas
daun. Kombinasi perlakuan terbaik adalah taraf kombinasi M2P1 campuran
50% subsoil + 50% trichokompos ditambah pemberian pupuk 2,5 g/polibag.
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