Perkawinan adalah akad yang sangat kuat untuk mentaati perintah Allah dan melaksanakannya merupakan ibadah . Namun, bahtera rumah tangga sering kali dihadapkan oleh masalah yang berujung pada perceraian. Dalam perkara perceraian (Putusan No. 2237/Pdt.G/2014/PA.Mlg), Hakim Peradilan Agama tidak memutus hak anak meskipun dalam fakta hukum telah disebutkan adanya anak dalam perkawinan, hal ini karena hakim harus patuh terhadap asas ulta petitum partium. Pada Ketentuan Pasal 23 ayat (1) dan (2) Undang-undang No 35 tahun 2014 menyatakan pemerintah harus ikut andil dalam perlindungan anak. Dengan demikian badan yudikatif (lembaga pengadilan/Hakim Peradilan Agama) wajib berperan aktif dalam mewujudkan perlindungan hak-hak anak tersebut terutama bagi anak-anak yang akan menjadi korban perceraian. Kemudian dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam telah diatur bahwa setelah perceraian hak keperdataan jatuh pada ibu , dan ayah wajib memberikan nafkah hadhonah anak sampai umur 21 tahun.
Rumusan Masalah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana penerapan asas ultra petitum partium dalam putusan verstek terhadap hak anak (Putusan No. 2237/Pdt.G/2014/PA.Mlg) dan untuk mengetahui dampak asas ultra petitum partiun dalam putusan verstek terhadap hak anak ditinjau dari Undang-Undang Perlindungan Anak No. 35 Tahun 2014 dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam.
Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian hukum normative. Jenis bahan hukum yang penulis gunakan adalah bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dihasilkan simpulan, penerapan asas ultra petitum partium dalam puPutusan No.2237/Pdt.G/2014/PA.Mlg terhadap hak anak adalah Majelis hakim memutus perkara dengan verstek dan tetap patuh terhadap asas ultra petitum partium sehingga hakim tidak menyantumkan hak anak meskipun ada dalam posita. Dampak yang ditimbulkan atas asas ultra petitum partium dalam putusan verstek berdasarkan tinjauan Undang-Undang No 35 Tahun 2014 terhadap hak anak dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam adalah Hak Hadhona anak pertama jatuh kepada pihak ibu kemudian ayah masih tetap memberikan nafkah hadhona kepada anak sampai anak berusia 21 tahun dan Hakim Peradilan Agama sebagai badan yudikatif dapat mempertimbangkan untuk memberikan perlindungan hukum terhadap hak-hak anak yang menjadi korban perceraian.
Marriage is a contract that is very strong to obey God's command and execute the worship. However, the ark of households are often confronted by problems that lead to divorce. In a divorce case (Decision No. 2237 / Pdt.G / 2014 / PA.Mlg), Religious Courts judges often ignore the rights of children to not break the rights of children despite the fact that the law had mentioned their children in marriage, this is because judges must adhere to the principle of ultra petition partium. On the provision of Article 23 paragraph (1) and (2) of Law No. 35 of 2014 states that the government must take part in child protection. Thus the judiciary (the courts) must play an active role in realizing the protection of the rights of the child,especially for children who will become victims of divorce, Islamic Law compilation is Rights Hadhona first child fell to the mother and then the father still provide a living hadhona to the child until the child is aged 21 years.
Formulation of problem of this study is to investigate the implementation of the principle of ultra partium in a decesion verstek of children's rights (Decision No. 2237 / Pdt.G / 2014 / PA.Mlg) and to find out a review of the Child Protection Act 35 in 2014 and Islamic Law Compilation in the implementation of the principle of ultra partium in a decesion verstek of children's rights.
This research includes studies of normative legal prescriptive, because this study is a scientific investigation to find the truth based on scientific logic of the law. Types of legal materials that I use is the primary legal materials and secondary law.
This research includes studies of normative legal prescriptive, because this study is a scientific investigation to find the truth based on scientific logic of the law. Types of legal materials that I use is the primary legal materials and secondary law.
Based on the research results and conclusions generated discussion Implementation of the principle of ultra petition partium the decision number 2237 / Pdt.G / 2014 / PA.Mlg of children's rights is The panel of judges deciding cases with verstek and adherence to the principle of ultra petition partium so the judge is not to omit the rights of children even though there is in posita. The impact of the principle of ultra partium in a decesion verstek based on a review of Law No. 35 of 2014 of children's rights and Islamic Law Compilation is Rights Hadhona first child fell to the mother and then the father still provide a living hadhona to the child until the child is aged 21 years and Judge Religious Courts as judicial bodies may consider providing legal protection of the rights of children who are victims of divorce.
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