Undang-Undang Nomor 41 Tahun 2004 tentang Wakaf merupakan bagian dari semangat memperbarui dan memperluas cakupan obyek wakaf dan pengolaannya dengan menambah materi baru sebagai upaya pemberdayaan wakaf, yang salah satunya mengkaji wakaf wasiat. Wakaf wasiat merupakan sedekah sunnah yang memiliki pengertian dan aturan masing-masing serta merupakan dua variabel yang berbeda, disamping itu, wakaf wasiat kurang begitu familiar di tengah-tengah kehidupan masyarakat, sehingga upaya untuk dapat memberikan pemahaman baru kepada masyarakat yang belum tahu terhadap wakaf wasiat sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mensejahteraan umat. Untuk itu, penulis tertarik untuk mengeksplor kembali konsep dan subtansi wakaf wasiat.
Oleh karena itu, permasalahan yang timbul dari konsep wakaf wasiat adalah sebagai berikut: Bagaiman landasan dasar wakaf wasiat dalam undang-undang No.41 tahun 2004 tentang Wakaf ditinjau dari hukum Islam dan bagaimana Implikasi yuridis wakaf wasiat dalam hukum Islam?
Adapun pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan jenisnya penelitian kepustakaan atau library research, yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui penjelasan tentang landasan dasar wakaf wasiat dan juga untuk mengetahui bagaimana implikasi yuridis wakaf wasiat.
Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa wakaf wasiat telah terjamin legalitasnya baik dari sisi hukum Islam (melalui pengkajian al-Quran dan Hadits, dengan memperhatikan berbagai pendapat mazhab serta melalui metode istihsan) maupun hukum positif (Undang-Undang No 41 tahun 2004 tentang Wakaf), maka wakaf wasiat diperbolehkan, karena para fuqaha sepakat bahwa perbuatan orang yang dalam keadaan sakit parah, dipandang sebagai wakaf yang pelaksanaannya sebagaimana wasiat yaitu sepertiga harta. Meskipun ada sebagian ulama mazhab berbeda pendapat yaitu berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan dan peruntukan wakaf wasiat ini. Disamping itu juga, bahwa wakaf wasiat baik menurut pendapat ulama-ulama mazhab maupun hukum positif yaitu Undang-Undang No 41 tahun 2004 tentang Wakaf, terdapat korelasi yang selaras antara Undang-Undang dan hukum Islam serta adanya kesamaan yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanannya wakaf wasiat dan kadar harta yang diwakafkan dengan wakaf wasiat, yaitu 1/3 (sepertiga harta). Selanjutnya, Implikasi yuridis wakaf wasiat yaitu berimplikasi pada perubahan hukum dari wakaf menjadi wakaf wasiat dan berimplikasi pada pembatasan harta wakaf wasiat, yang bertujuan untuk menjaga kesejahteraan anggota keluarga wakif terutama ahli warisnya dan menanggulangi penyelewengan wakif dalam memberikan wakaf.
The 41st act parliament 2004 worked through the endowments are part of the spirit of renewal and expansion the scope and the object of endowment and its management by adding new materials as an effort to empower the endowment, one of that discussed about the endowment will. Endowment will is an optional almsgiving that has particular interpretations and rules and represents two different variables. In addition, endowment will is less familiar among people of public life, so the effort to give a new understanding to the people who do not know of this endowment will means the effort to prosperous human’s life. According to that reason, the researcher is interested in re-exploring the concept and the substance of endowment will.
So that is why, there is a main problem emerge from the concept of endowment will, that is: how is the base foundation of endowment will in the 41st act of parliament 2004 in term of endowment in the Islamic law and how is the juridical implication of endowment will in the Islamic law?
The approach researcher used in this thesis is qualitative approach by doing literary research, which aims to find the explanation about the base foundation of endowment will and to know how the juridical implication of endowment will is.
From the research conducted, the researcher found that endowment will has guaranteed its legality both in term of side of Islamic law (based on the considerable study in al Qur’an and Hadits, by taking into account the various schools of opinion and Ihtisan method as well) and in the side of positive law (41st act of parliament
2004 on endowment). So that is why, the endowment will is allowed. That because the jurists (fuqaha) agree that people’s act in a state of severe pain, is seen as an endowment in which its implementation is similar with the will (wasiat) of the third poverty. Although, there are some different schools (mazhab) of opinion of some scholars, that is associated with the implementation and the allocation of this endowment will. On the other hand, endowment will base on both the opinion of some school’s scholars and the positive law that is 41st act of parliament 2004 on endowment. There is a consistence correlation between the act of parliament and the Islamic law. There is also similarity between the realization and the amount of the poverty endowed and that in endowment will. That is one third of poverty. Furthermore, the juridical implication of endowment will have implication for the legal changes from the endowment to the endowment will and will have implication in the limitation of endowment will poverty, which aims to safeguard the welfare of family members of wakif especially the heirs and to overcome the deviation of wakif in giving the endowment
2004 on endowment). So that is why, the endowment will is allowed. That because the jurists (fuqaha) agree that people’s act in a state of severe pain, is seen as an endowment in which its implementation is similar with the will (wasiat) of the third poverty. Although, there are some different schools (mazhab) of opinion of some scholars, that is associated with the implementation and the allocation of this endowment will. On the other hand, endowment will base on both the opinion of some school’s scholars and the positive law that is 41st act of parliament 2004 on endowment. There is a consistence correlation between the act of parliament and the Islamic law. There is also similarity between the realization and the amount of the poverty endowed and that in endowment will. That is one third of poverty. Furthermore, the juridical implication of endowment will have implication for the legal changes from the endowment to the endowment will and will have implication in the limitation of endowment will poverty, which aims to safeguard the welfare of family members of wakif especially the heirs and to overcome the deviation of wakif in giving the endowment
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